Kim Peterson McGrath, MS, CPC is the Director of Medical Policy for Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Iowa/South Dakota). Kim also serves as a member of the Quality Improvement Committee and the Wellmark Advantage Health Plan Clinical Review Committee.
Kim Peterson McGrath, MS, CPC is the Director of Medical Policy for Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Iowa/South Dakota), where she provides leadership in evidence synthesis and evidence-based medical policy development and provides strategic direction and day-to-day operational management to the medical policy team. In this role, Kim also serves as a member of the Quality Improvement Committee and the Wellmark Advantage Health Plan Clinical Review Committee.
Kim has over 20 years of comparative effectiveness evidence synthesis experience. Prior to joining Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Kim served in numerous leadership and evidence synthesis scientist roles for Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, VA Health Systems Research’s Evidence Synthesis Program (ESP), and the Pacific Northwest Evidence-based Practice Center at Oregon Health & Science University.
Kim is an alumna of the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon, where she earned her BSc and MSc in psychology. Prior to her evidence synthesis work, she was a Neuropsychological Assessment Technician, Mental Health Specialist and managed a clinical research center where she oversaw and coordinated all aspects of Phase II-IV clinical trials in psychiatry, neurology and general medicine.
Kim has presented numerous lectures, refereed and invited national and international conference presentations, and has published numerous articles in major peer-reviewed medical, psychopharmacology, epidemiology, and public health journals on various behavioral health and evidence synthesis methodology topics.
Member of the EXCITE International Payers' Advisory Committee