Mark Leahey

Mark Leahey is the President & CEO for the Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA), and a member of the EXCITE International Advisory Council.

Mark Leahey is the President & CEO for the Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA), a national trade association in Washington, DC that represents hundreds of research-driven medical technology companies.

His responsibilities include advocating on behalf of the entrepreneurial sector of the medical device industry to Congress, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and other federal and state agencies.

He has lobbied for a more reasonable user fee for smaller companies, worked to open access to the hospital marketplace by challenging the exclusionary and anti-competitive nature of certain large group purchasing organizations (GPOs), as well as ensure that medical device technologies are reimbursed adequately.

Mr. Leahey was named one of the medical device industry’s top lobbyists. He is a member of the Massachusetts Bar and a graduate of Georgetown University, the Georgetown Law Center and Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business.

Mark Leahey, EXCITE International Advisory Council

Mark Leahey

President & CEO, Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA)

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