Yves Verboven is the Director of Access & Economic Policies at MedTechEurope, and a member of the EXCITE International Advisory Council.
Graduated in 1987 as Electro-Mechanical-Engineer at the KULeuven, and MBA.
Working experience: Head Clinical Engineering at Intermedics.
Holder of 5 patents in field of cardiac stimulation in health failure.
In 1999, head of Medtronics’ European Heart Failure clinical outcomes & research department responsible for Clinical and Health Economic Outcome Evidence.
Publications and acknowledgements in Int’l journals as New England Journal of Medicine, Circulation .. resulting in:
In 2008, Assistant Director Health Economics, EurMEA at Alcon- (Ophthalmology) responsible for reimbursement and co-developed PRO IDEEL
In 2012, head of “access and economic policies for MedTech Europe, Europe’s trade assocation striving for pro-innovation policies and a shift to a Value based Access model in dialogue with procurers, payer... Key enablers include MEAT-Value Based Procurement, Value of (Diagnostic) Information, modern HTA and new value driven evidence and financing schemes to invest in value for patients, healthcare, society and our economy.
Director Access & Economic Policies, MedTechEurope