Yves Verboven

Yves Verboven is the Director of Access & Economic Policies at MedTechEurope, and a member of the EXCITE International Advisory Council.

Graduated in 1987 as Electro-Mechanical-Engineer at the KULeuven,  and MBA.

Working experience: Head Clinical Engineering at Intermedics.

Holder of 5 patents in field of cardiac stimulation in health failure.

In 1999, head of  Medtronics’ European Heart Failure clinical outcomes & research department responsible for Clinical and Health Economic Outcome Evidence.

Publications and acknowledgements in Int’l journals as New England Journal of Medicine, Circulation .. resulting in:

  • A class I indication level for Cardiac Resynchronization therapy
  • Positive Health Technology appraisals

In 2008, Assistant Director Health Economics, EurMEA at Alcon- (Ophthalmology)  responsible for reimbursement and co-developed PRO IDEEL

In 2012, head of “access and economic policies for  MedTech Europe, Europe’s trade assocation striving for pro-innovation policies and a shift to a Value based Access model in dialogue with procurers, payer... Key enablers include MEAT-Value Based Procurement, Value of (Diagnostic) Information, modern HTA and new value driven evidence and financing schemes to invest in value for patients, healthcare, society and our economy.

Yves Verboven, Excite International Scientific Collaboration

Yves Verboven

Director  Access & Economic Policies, MedTechEurope

Work with us. EXCITE International can assist you in facilitating multi-jurisdictional clinical trials through its partnership with government, clinical experts, methodology centres and health system decision makers.